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Special Olympics


If you would like to get involved with the organizations listed below or would like a point of reference, please contact Josh Stubbolo at

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Special Olympics

Opportunities include research, data entry, or general computer work.

Volunteer With TechGirlz


Volunteering with TechGirlz can be very rewarding. You’ll be inspiring and empowering the next generation of women to explore the possibilities in technology!  Build your marketable skills like public speaking, teaching and tech know-how, and expand your network while teaching fun, hands-on workshops alongside others in the tech industry. There are so many ways to volunteer with TechGirlz and becoming a TechGirlz volunteer is easy – just sign up here or email for more information.


There are many ways to volunteer- lead a workshop, assist at a workshop, be a location provider, organize a workshop, help with curriculum development, etc. You can see all of our upcoming volunteer opportunities here

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